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Free Resource for Disability Claimants: 10 Steps to Prepare for Your Social Security Disability Hearing

Gordon Gates e-book - prepare for your Social Security hearingMy colleague (and fellow Tulane Law School alumni!) Gordon Gates, a Social Security disability lawyer who practices in Maine and New Hampshire, recently wrote me to let me know about a free e-book that he has generously made available to you on his website.  Entitled “Ten Steps to Prepare for Your Social Security Disability Hearing,” this booklet is both an easy read and a valuable reminder about specific things you can do to improve your chances of winning a favorable decision.

Because the disability decision making process can take so long – 1 to 2 years in most places – it can be easy to forget what your lawyer may have advised you in a meeting 6 or 8 months ago.  Gordon’s book remedies this problem by setting out clearly and concisely 10 essential reminders about what you should keep in mind.

In my Atlanta law practice, I usually communicate with my clients by email more so than by phone and I have been sending out the link to Gordon’s free download on a regular basis.

Obviously, no book, no matter how good, will substitute for a supporting treating doctor and hundreds of pages of strong medical records.   However, if you and your attorney follow the advice set out in this helpful little book, you will greatly reduce your chances of being unprepared when you finally get your hearing date.   Again, the download is free and you will find the information contained within very useful.

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