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Local TV Station Highlights Problems with Social Security Hearing Process

This is the video segment about Social Security disability delays, hosted by investigative reporter Randy Travis of Atlanta’s Fox 5 TV.   Travis highlights what most Social Security disability lawyers already know – that the judge assigned to your case could mean more than the medical records in terms of whether or not you receive benefits.

In the Atlanta downtown hearing office, there are judges who approve less than 20% of cases, and judges who approve more than 70%.   So two identical claimants – each with the exact same medical issues – would likely get different results based solely on the luck of the draw.

And you are going to wait – often two years or longer – before you even get the chance to appear before that judge.

While there are other problems with the SSD process, Mr. Travis’ report highlights two of the biggest issues – the wildly divergent approval rates by judges within the same hearing office and the outrageous delays.

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