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My Work History Has Not Been Consistent – Can I Still Claim SSDI Benefits?

I was diagnosed last Thursday by my neurologist with post traumatic stress syndrome resulting from three MVA’s.  I have other related injuries and have tried to do several jobs, after a long career, and cannot do it.  Is there any relief for me?

I did pay into social security from 1982 to 1989 but from 1988 to 2005 was in the school system that did not pay in.  We did pay in to medicare, etc. however. 

Am I eligible for any benefits?

Jonathan Ginsberg responds:  Jeff, you will need to find out if you are eligible for Title II SSDI.   Eligibility is based on what you have paid into the system.  You will need to show sufficient earnings credits in 20 out of the 40 calendar quarters prior to your disability onset date.  I discuss the Social Security earnings credit requirements here.

You can also call Social Security at 800-772-1213 to ask about your date of eligibility for SSDI and your date last insured for SSDI.  Be aware – sometimes the information given by the SSA operators is not up to date.

You can also request your earnings statement by completing SSA form 7004, which you can download here.

If you have enough earnings, you will then need medical support from a treating doctor or mental health professional that your condition is severe enough to prevent you from performing any type of work.

If you do not have enough credit hours, you can still apply for SSI, but in an SSI case your monthly benefit is capped and your household income and assets may offset your monthly SSI benefit.

[tags] earnings requirement for SSDI, SSI vs. SSDI [/tags]
