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Ginsberg Law Offices

Use a Cane? Get a Prescription

If you are over age 50, a limitation to sedentary work may result in a favorable decision based on the grid rules.  Otherwise, a sedentary limitation as a starting point is a good place to start.

However, your use of a cane will not help you in your disability case if that cane is not prescribed by a doctor.  In reviewing the hearing decisions of the three cases involving non-prescription cane using claimants, none of the judges gave the “cane factor” more than passing reference because none of these canes were specifically prescribed by a physician.

It does not matter that your doctor voices approval of your decision to purchase a cane at a drug store.  In order for your use of an need for a cane to help you in your Social Security case, you need a prescription.

So, if you are having trouble walking or balancing and you feel that you need a cane, or even if you are already using or borrowing one, ask your doctor to write out a prescription for a cane and to note that prescription in your medical record.  Doing so can pay major dividends in your Social Security disability case.

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